May 172012

The very first thing you must know about your business is that you are a sales and marketing firm. It doesn’t matter if you operate a zip line tour, a challenge course, a whitewater outfitter, or are an experiential trainer. Your very first priority is to market and sell your services.

“Nothing happens until we sell something”

I first saw this phrase on a sign in a clients office and it immediately rang true for me. It really begins at the start of your business. You have to sell people on the idea of your new venture… the banker, your spouse, your new employees, and especially the community! Only then can you even begin to think about marketing and selling to paying clients.

Speaking of paying clients, do you have a great marketing plan and sales process to make it easy for them to buy your services? Do you have it written down? And have you given it to your employees so that they understand what your expectations are?

If you don’t, go do it now. It can transform the way clients interact with you and re-energize your business!

In the words of Dennis Miller, “But that’s just my opinion, I could be wrong.”

Peace, Love, and Marketing! (and Selling!)


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