Aug 122013

The phrase “If you build it, they will come” seems to be the mindset of many adventure operators. Perhaps it’s only true if you’re building a baseball diamond in a cornfield, because it sure doesn’t work for most other ventures. Marketing tends to be one of the first items to be cut when money starts running short, either at the construction phase or during the first year of operations usually.  And it will cripple your business.

So how much should you be spending on your marketing efforts? Financially speaking, 10-15% of your annual operating budget. Minimum! Time wise you should be spending 40-50% of your work day on marketing efforts. That includes testing and measuring the results of your current marketing tactics. If you see a positive return on your investment for a particular tactic, do more of it. If you don’t, do less of it or stop it all together.

Your marketing budget should be an untouchable amount as you grow your business. Unless you decide to do more of it…

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